2017: A Year in Review
2017 was a big year for me. Our twin boys arrived at the tail end of 2016 so we started the year adjusting to being a Schulte party of six. Going into this new life, I didn't know what to expect for my photography business. I wanted desperately to hang on to a piece of it, but I braced myself for whatever happened, knowing the demands of four kids under five would trump all else.
Thankfully with my supportive husband, mom and clients, I was able to get out and do what I love more than I ever imagined possible. It wasn't always easy or convenient. Most of the time I fit sessions in during naps or between feedings. I'd invite people to my backyard or even my dining room so we could get some pictures before the crying started.
But I knew as I came back from sessions totally energized and ready to give 100% to my kids, that the time away was a gift for us all. Plus, I believe I honed my craft throughout this year more than ever before. I had time constraints, location limitations and a lack of sleep to contend with which forced me to find the light and catch the moment fast.
It was difficult taking a step away from weddings, but I did manage to fit in an elopement of some friends at NC State (thank you Crystal and Chris!). I hope to get back on the wedding scene, but I'm also loving the variety of clients from this season. From newborns, to lifestyle families, to website content, to senior photos, it's impossible for me to choose a favorite.
I couldn't be more thankful for each and every one of these people below. Here are some of my favorite shots from the year (in totally random order), including clients and my family.
THANK YOU for a challenging, exhausting and absolutely amazing 2017. I can't wait to see who and what is in front of my lens in 2018!